Greg VanderBrook Greg VanderBrook

Sip, sip, hooray!

Is your water not working for you? Here is a simple addition to make your water more hydrating and beneficial.

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Greg VanderBrook Greg VanderBrook


Chinese median has a major hand in dietary therapy. We use it as much as acupuncture for specific health conditions. Take a look and see what one of our favorite foods are.

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Greg VanderBrook Greg VanderBrook

Your First Acupuncture Treatment

Curious what your first acupuncture treatment entails? Take a look into the custom process we use to help you reach your health goals.

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Greg VanderBrook Greg VanderBrook

Walking the Years Off

What does movement and longevity have in common? Researchers have looked into how walking regularly helps the body stay youthful and what it means for your general health.

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